Now that warm weather is approaching, everyone is itching to go outside and get moving. Biking is an excellent way to get outside, breathe in the fresh air, and explore your neighborhood. Here are some little-known facts about bikes sure to inspire you to dust off your trusty bike and get going!
Great for Your Health
Biking is a fantastic way to clock in some cardiovascular exercise. Simply taking advantage of a nice day on your bike will increase your muscular strength and ability, improve posture, strengthen bones, and decrease body fat levels. Biking is much easier on your feet, ankles, and knees than ordinary running. Plus, it gets your heart pumping without pounding your joints.
Can't sleep? Taking an early morning ride will expose you to sunlight, which helps your circadian rhythm get back into sync while ridding your body of cortisol, the stress hormone that can prevent deep sleep. Additionally, just three hours of bicycling per week can reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke by 50%. By encouraging employees to bike to work, Minnesota company QBP saved $170,000 in health care costs every year and $301,136 in employee productivity every year. Clearly, biking is a win-win for everyone involved!
Mother Earth Will Thank You
Biking is a legitimate mode of transportation that is free, saves gas money, and prevents unnecessary use of fossil fuels. Your community will thank you as well, as shifting travel from driving to biking can reduce the external costs paid by society to 25 cents per mile in average conditions and 50 per mile in heavy urban traffic. Plus, it costs the same to build parking facilities for 75 bikes than it does for just four cars.
Driving Wastes Time
Imagine how different your life would be if you didn't have to deal with the frustrations of traffic and the wasted time spent in your car traveling place to place. In total, American mothers spend over an hour a day driving on average, which totals almost 17 days behind the wheel each year. This activity adds up to more time driving than feeding, bathing, and dressing a child. Get out of your car and experience life all around you!
Now that you are dusting off your old bike, you need to choose the proper bike hitch racks for storing your bike. Depending on the specific bike you have, there are many different types of trike bike racks to choose from, including bicycle roof racks, recumbent bike racks, and tandem bike racks. These bike hitch racks offer ease of transport for your next adventure.
Need help choosing the best bike hitch racks for your cars? There are many professionals willing to help you with all your needs.